Sunday, November 30, 2014

Essay Prompt

          Sue Jozui says, "We should boycott trick advertising and legislate rules and guidelines for advertisers."  I agree and disagree with what she wants to be done with advertisers.  I think that it is wrong for people to trick other people into buying a certain product.  It's wrong for them to be tricking us and feeding us lies about how there product is better or how good the product is.  It's also bad because nowadays you can't trust anyone even the news because they lie for these big companies.
          These companies paid millions of dollars to famous actors for doing this advertisements. Because we see this famous actor using this products we just buy it without even knowing what is in the product or if it really works.  Also we have to take in factor that this is the peoples jobs so we shouldn't penalize the advertisers but the company that allows such deceiving methods of advertising .  What people have to understand is that all-in-all you shouldn't be so easily deceived by this type of commercial cause it's so obvious.  Another thing about taking away these types of advertising would be that most commercials today are deceiving.
          Jozui is arguing that advertisers make us believe that celebrities use products or consume products to persuade us into buying them. She is suggesting that we should boycott this type of advertising. I agree with Jozui, the product may not even be good at all but because a celebrity gives a testimony we fall for the advertising and buy the product. This is another reason why we should boycott to not be fooled anymore by these advertisers. We should boycott to help others too, if we start boycotting then other people will notice and they will also no longer be fooled. We see famous people advertising anything like food, cars, and even toothpaste.
          If we boycott, these advertisements may start to fade. Almost every famous advertisement has a famous person in them. They use the famous person just to catch our attention and persuade us.

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